Project Description


(Collagen Induction Therapy)


Microneedling (Collagen Induction Therapy)


Indulgence for body and mind

This is one of the best ways to naturally restore damaged skin and reveal a healthier, younger, refreshed look! Specifically, a Microneedling treatment works to trigger fibroblast cell growth and stimulate the production of new collagen and elastin. Be ready for a glowing, fresh new you! Multiple treatments over a period will help to strengthen the epidermis leaving you with improved skin texture and tone.

Collagen Induction Therapy

Collagen induction therapy (CIT) is a medical non-surgical procedure that provides a great range of benefits to the skin. This treatment uses sterile fine needles, ranging in diameter from 0.25 – 1.5 mm, to reach the dermis and break down old scar tissue and stimulate skin cell production and trigger a cascade of collagen and elastin production. Your body naturally will start to regenerate new skin cells. This is something that cannot be achieved with skincare, nor massaging or nutrition hence CIT is the ideal treatment for someone who suffers acne scarring, loose skin, lax pores and any collagen and elastin relating conditions.

“If you want to relax, watch the clouds pass by if you’re laying on the grass, or sit in front of the creek; just doing nothing and having those still moments is what really rejuvenates the body…”.
60 Minutes

Microneedling “Ultimate”

If your scarring and red marks extend to your neck and chest as well as your face, then Ultimate is an excellent upgrade option.

*often best results as a package of 4, must be paid in full with a package discount applied


Want to know more?

Before undertaking the treatment, you will have a comprehensive skin analysis and consultation.

  1. Skin will be cleansed, with a cosmeceutical grade cleanser.
  2. Skin is then thoroughly needled in such a way that collagen production is triggered, and no excessive damage is done to the skin.
  3. Once needling is done a hyaluronic mask is placed for 15 minutes.
  4. Before you leave your skin will be protected with a zinc-based sunscreen.

Your face will appear red; however, the inflammatory reaction of the skin is short, and the redness will fade within hours, turning in to a pinkish colour that on average last 24 hours. In order to help with healing and reduce the redness we recommend hyaluronic acid mask, and a good mineral base powered. 

Generally, after CIT the result are rapidly visible, after the first week your skin will look more radiant, hydrated and glowing with an overall softer feel. You may also get some skin peeling which can help fade away pigmentation.

Although you will notice a difference in your skin health after the first treatment it is like any other skin therapies it is advisable to have it in a course, because we can only do so much in one sitting. Usually we recommend 3 to 6 sessions at 3-6 weeks intervals. Then a maintenance phase of twice a year for long lasting results.  If there is significant amount of scar tissue, then there may be the need of 6+ treatments 4 weeks apart.

There are virtually no negative side effects, and nothing has been reported in over 150,000 procedures performed worldwide.

Redness (Erythema) of the skin remain for generally 24 hours up to four days after CIT treatment, as skin goes through healing process the erythema resolves.

For the next 48 hours use mild cleansers and avoid products that contain Vitamin A, Vitamin C and AHA such as glycolic, lactic and salicylic acid.

It is a must to use a good zinc-based sunscreen and to try to stay away from the sun exposure.

We also advise not to exercise straight after CIT as skin can sting slightly with the sweat.

We work with EXCEED a medical device that’s TGA listed, FDA approved, MediSafe and has CE and ISO certifications.